Baleshwar Memorial Public School(Rec.)


The Principal

Shri.Shambhu nath bhagat

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Baleshwar memorial public School Community,
Welcome to Baleshwar memorial public School website. As the Principal of Baleshwar memorial public School, I am very fortunate to work with many dedicated, innovative and caring staff members, parents and students. Each day is filled with new experiences, learning for all, and the ability to make someone's day better; many days it is the students who make my day a little brighter.
Baleshwar memorial public School's curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students. Our staff consistently follows current trends and in collaboration with administration, creates a plan of action to incorporate those trends that are most appropriate into the classrooms. One of the largest areas of growth is the increased use of technology in our classrooms.
Please take a moment and visit our school's website. As always please feel free to contact me with any questions or concern.Enjoy your day,
Shri.Shambhu nath bhagat

Thank you


Mrs.Geeta Singh

First of all, it is my privilege to be proud of my heartfelt wish for those who receive blessings from ALMIGHTY GOD. For all parents, education of their children is of paramount importance and selecting the right school is not an easy task. BMPSchool is accepted as one of the leading schools in Delhi. It is known for the combined curriculum and extracurricular activities, with the taste of discipline, devotion and dedication, with which the management and teaching faculty are committed to take care of the welfare of the students. Our school is a real temple in today's world, which not only educators but teaches the students to prepare for the future by developing good values.

Thank you



I am happy to know that the Baleshwar memorial public school  over the 23 years has kept up the tradition and value set by the Founders Shri Hari kishan bhagat ,Shri Avadh kishor bhagat and My self , Their motto was to give holistic education and develop the personality of each student to enable them to face the challenges of life. Be happy stay healthy. 



Mr.Rajesh Kushwaha

With immense pride and great pleasure I welcome you to the school's website. You could be a parent, a student, a staff member or anyone interested in gaining deeper insights into the functioning and learning environment of our exciting world. I invite you to navigate through our 'school website' to help you understand lucidly why our school provides the best environment for your little ones and young adults. Right from its inception to now, our institution has marched forward to spread the light of education and pave the path of academic excellence for every student. The key focus areas continue to remain - creating opportunities, challenging minds, encouraging innovation and sustaining excitement.

Thank you

Current Date and Time is . Bharat भारत

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