Admission Criteria details
Important Instructions Regarding Fee Payment:
- Payment should be made BY CHEQUE/ PAY BY CASH in favour of BALESHWAR MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL.
- Do write Student's Name, Class, Section, Father's Name and Phone No. at the back of the Cheque.
- Give Separate Cheque for each child.
- Don't give post-dated Cheques.
- Give only CTS Cheques.
- Receipt of Cheque will be subject to the clearance by the Bank.
- Non-Receipt of fee circular will not be considered as a reason for non-payment of fees in time.
- Parents can also pay the fee for full year in one go.
- Follow single queue system while waiting for your turn at the fee window.
- No student will be permitted to appear in the examination without fee clearance.
- No refund will be made, once the receipt is issued.
If any child fails to pay the fees for two consecutive terms, his/her name will be struck off and the child will be declared ineligible to continue his/her studies. He/she can be re-admitted after paying the full admission fee, provided there is a vacant seat.
With regard to the timely payment of fees, it has been observed in the past years that many parents fail to clear their dues as a result of which their wards remain in the category of Fee Defaulters till the end of the session. It is expected from all the parents to be very particular in depositing the Fee Instalments regularly and on time. An appropriate action will be taken against the fee defaulters.